Natural fragrant fluid improves skin tone of any type, rejuvenates, has a lifting effect. Thanks to the antioxidant properties of the components, the aging process of cells slows down.
The ability of the ingredients to deeply moisturize and retain moisture helps collagen synthesis, smoothes fine wrinkles, makes the skin more elastic and toned. Sage hydrolat with hyaluronic acid increases the protective properties. The skin becomes less vulnerable to external negative influences, including UV radiation.
Moisturized and protected skin acquires a healthy look, tone and natural radiance. The woody-herbal aroma of sage with spicy tart undertones enhances the tonic effect.
Sage hydrolat:
– Helps improve tone
– Increases elasticity and slows down aging
– Enhances hair growth and strengthens roots
Hyaluronic acid:
– Helps retain moisture
– Restores the skin
– Smoothes wrinkles
– Skin looks more even and firmer
How to use: Spray onto face, body and hair, or apply to a cloth pad and wipe over skin.
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